How to generate a heat map from a list of zip codes.

The google API supports creating a heat map based on a set of geographic coordinates. How to do when we need to generate this map based on zip codes?

In the code below, the array contains the list of coordinates to add to the heatmap, which we can manually add by inserting an object of the type new google.maps.LatLng (-27.522551, -48.445368), passing the parameters Latitude and Longitude.

As with my problem, we only have one list of zip codes, so we first need to convert this list of zip codes to a coordinate list.

We do this through code:

    var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder (); geocoder.geocode ({'address': "88111-280"}, function (results, status) {cb (results [0] .geometry.location.lng (), results [0] () );});

After creating the object Geocoder, we pass a string with the zip code, and the function of callback,

Mapa de calor gerado a partir da API do google maps
Map generated from API

Once we get the coordinates, we get them by the functions results [0] .geometry.location.lng ()  and results [0] .geometry.location.lng (), passing to the cb () function to follow with the code.

Given the limit of 10 API calls per second, we have the following example code:

unsplash-logoArtem Bali


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