Categoria: Posts in english
Hosting exported websites on a regular host (convert Duda to HTML/PHP) websites that have been exported do not follow a regular hosting structure. For that reason, you cannot host these exported websites in hosts like GoDaddy, Hostgator, etc, without first doing some changes. I made a Node.js script to automate that process. This code moves the files of the extracted website to the correct places.…
How to use navigator.sendBeacon with PHP 7
Recently I needed to send a request on the unload of a page (save where the user left), and regular POST requests via js aren’t a very good option, due to either hanging the browser on synchronous requests, or not having a guaranteed delivery on asynchronous ones, so I stumbled upon JavaScript navigator.sendBeacon, which:“the data…
The 173 ways you can overlap four circles – Image
Was recently watching this Numberphile video, and as they showed How many ways can circles overlap? I thought that it looked really cool and went to search for it online. Sadly the only image I could find was the low resolution image that they used on the poster they sell, so I screenshotted the video…
How to get better customer service/tech support
I worked in tech support for a while. And while there are people better than me at dealing with humans, I was quite fast in solving customer issues. Those are my personal opinions on how to get better customer service (at least from when I worked with that). Remember the human Remember the human, a…
How to simulate a 12 column grid in page (WordPress page builders friendly)
Recently while developing a website in WordPress using Elementor, I needed to replicate the 12 columns the designer used in Adobe XD to create the layout, so to ease development I created an overlay with 12 columns to help me check the alignment and positioning of the items, check it out! The above code creates…